Help My Crystal Broke...............

One of the saddest things I have ever seen (in terms of crystal ownership) 🙁 this gorgeous Aqua Aura, broke into 4 when I took it out of its box. In a twist of fate, however, she has found her home with a dear soul who couldn't bare to separate them from each other 💙

What do you do when your crystals break? Do you hold onto them or do you gift them back to the earth? Do you try to mend them and make them whole again? and what does it mean when your crystal breaks or shatters?

For me, it depends on what is happening at the time when my crystal breaks. If I have been working steadily with a crystal and then it breaks, in whichever way eg I drop it; it falls to the floor when moving something else; it shatters while meditating with it etc it means that I have finished my work with that crystal. If this is the case, I will take the pieces of the crystals, give thanks to it for the lessons and healing and then return them back to the Earth.

Sometimes, when you drop a crystal it might break into two pieces, when this happens, I cleanse the pieces and ask the crystal what are the next steps for it. It could be that one piece is to go to a friend and I keep the other piece; that both pieces need to be passed on; that I use both pieces as two separate crystals now or that it is to be returned to the Earth as well. Another thing I like to do with broken crystal pieces is place them in my potted plants 💚

Crystals can also have natural flaws in them which can make them susceptible to breaking when heat or cold is applied to them. Let's have a look at this beautiful Aqua Aura pictured below. Aqua Aura is formed by Clear Quartz undergoing a process whereby it is bonded with Gold, specifically, the crystals are heated, and fine vaporised gold is bonded to its surface. It's a pretty cool process but as you can appreciate, if a crystal has a natural flaw (think of it like a fault line) to begin with, simply undergoing the process to transform the Clear Quartz to Aqua Aura could exasperate this issue and weaken the crystal further causing it to break.

It can be quite disheartening and sad when your crystals break and sometimes it can mean that the crystal has completed its work with you and other times it is simply one of those things that happens.

Whichever it is, my suggestion would be for you to sit with your crystal, cleanse it, honour it for all it has done for you and ask it how it would like to move forward from this point on. You might hear a voice, get a feeling or a knowing of what to do. Follow that voice, follow the guidance received and honour the crystal being for gifting us with its presence, with its healing, with its wisdom and love.

From My Heart to Yours

Deena xXx

The Magic of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a truly beautiful stone. Dark blue with flecks of gold pyrite through it and white calcite. Looking at it automatically takes you back to Ancient Egypt, when Pharaohs ruled. In fact, it was used to decorate the Pharaohs and is known as a stone of royalty and spirituality. To this day Lapis Lazuli still carries the vibration of the inner ‘queen’ or ‘king’ that lies dormant within us all.

Natural Lapis Lazuli on Calcite with some Pyrite

Natural Lapis Lazuli on Calcite with some Pyrite

Lapis Lazuli is best known as a spiritual awakener. It activates the higher mind and psychic abilities. It helps with inner vision and honest, open communication. It helps you journey deep into your being, allowing a Divine connection to self. The pyrite inclusions in lapis lazuli, help you to act upon your highest ideals and visions while the calcite clears the energy systems of the body to allow these higher spiritual energies to integrate with your soul. A match made in heaven.

I decided to connect in with the energy for Lapis Lazuli for myself...........

As soon as I hold onto the piece of Lapis Lazuli, I feel my third eye expand, my chest and throat open and tears stream down my face. I notice there is a cool breeze blowing on my face and as I turn, I meet my Higher Self in an open field. We run to each other and touch foreheads and as we do, there is light pulsating as Divine information is exchanged and then everything goes dark. I see a beam of light shining in the distance and go towards it. As I reach closer to the light, I see the light is coming from a keyhole. I go towards it and look in and I see myself….reminding me that I hold the key within me.

For me, Lapis Lazuli is a powerful reminder that we all hold the key to our happiness and our Divine guidance within us……we just have to be willing to look in, accept, love and trust ourselves 

Lapis Lazuli Freeform

Lapis Lazuli Freeform

I invite you now to connect in with your own piece of Lapis Lazuli or you can use one of the pictures here to connect with. 

Connecting In With Lapis Lazuli

Choose a piece of lapis lazuli and cleanse the crystal. You can use intention, sound, golden light or any other method you would like to use to cleanse the energy of your crystal.

Lapis Lazuli Tumble

Lapis Lazuli Tumble

Now that your crystal is cleansed, hold it to your heart and breathe love into your crystal. Now hold the crystal to your third eye and focus on the intention of connecting in with the crystal while it is there on your third eye. Now place the crystal on whichever part of your body feels right and breathe in the energy of the crystal. Let its energy infuse with that of yours and allow your third eye and intuition open to the message your piece of lapis lazuli has for you. Once you have received the wisdom and healing from your crystal, thank it and honour it by sending love to it.

I would suggest you record any insights and messages you received during your meditation. 

Much Love & Blessings

Deena xXX

Ocean Jasper Love

Ocean Jasper & Black Tourmaline

Ocean Jasper & Black Tourmaline

I wanted to share with you a little something….a little experience I had with a couple of crystals 

I had to go to the shopping centre to get some things and was not really looking forward to it. I tend to get really overwhelmed and irritable in shopping centres. This day, I thought to myself, ‘no way is this going to happen’. I grabbed my hemp necklace and placed an ocean jasper and a piece of black tourmaline in it and said, ‘do your stuff!’. Well, 3 hours later, I still felt upbeat, and full of energy and I didn’t even realise how long we were at the shops for.

Ocean Jasper helps to create feelings of joy and elevates your spirit while helping you to release any negative feelings. Perfect!! A great stone if you need a lift in energy

Black Tourmaline is known for its grounding energies and for helping to transmute any negative energies around you. It also encourages a positive attitude.

The combination of these 2 was just perfect and I still use it today in crowded places!

So why not give it a try if you are going to be out and about in large crowds and find it a ‘wee bit’ overwhelming.

Much Love, Deena xXx