The Start of a New Year and New Decade!

Here it is! The start of 2020

As we cross this threshold into 2020 take the time to release, to give gratitude for all of the lessons, people, experiences, moments, life that you have lived this last year and decade and create a beautiful space within to allow all of your dreams for 2020 and beyond to settle into.

What are you ready to let go of my loves? What have you been holding onto that is no longer in alignment with you? Are you ready to release it? What beliefs, stories (oh the stories we tell ourselves) are you willing to release?

What does your heart whisper to you? What are you wanting to create for yourself and your life? Take the time to sit in your heart and really think about this. You might not have concrete ideas but you may have definite feelings you wish to create for yourself in this next decade, focus on these feelings, hold them in your heart and allow them the space and magic to come alive.

Sending You All So Much Love
From My Heart to Yours
Deena xXx

Grid for helping you to cross this threshold into this new dimension and manifest your heart’s desires with ease and grace 🙏🏼

Grid for helping you to cross this threshold into this new dimension and manifest your heart’s desires with ease and grace 🙏🏼

♥️ You are Fabulous Just the Way You Are ♥️

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My dear, you are fabulous just the way you are ♥️

When others say you are too much, you know what I mean. I feel we have all been told this at one time or another. Too loud. Too much. We laugh too much. Our spirit is too upbeat. We are too quiet. Your energy is too high! Too sensitive. Too caring etc etc etc

Oh my lord I am so over this. I am so over people telling others that they are too much because they cannot handle their light and their soul because of their insecurities (yes this is usually why this happens in the first place) I am so tired of people feeling they have a right to even speak these words to another being. How dare we enforce our opinions on others.

We must allow people the space to breathe and be who they are. So that they can learn to be true expression of themselves and of their hearts and souls. We must allow the space for people to meet who they are and if we cannot hold the space for them to do this, we have a choice to walk away in love ♥️ Always in love ♥️ We however, do not have the right to try to make someone small or less than or make them feel they have to change themselves to appease our needs. This is not love.

♥️ Love is the vibration that heals ♥️

When we approach others in love, in this vibration, we all heal and we all learn to see the love and light in each other. We begin to see the love in each other ♥️ we learn that this is our core vibration ♥️ we become compassionate ♥️ and when we do this, those “too muches” become a wonderful thing to behold ♥️

Holding You All in Love ♥️
You are Beautiful and a Divine expression of Love ♥️
From My Heart to Yours
Deena xXx